What is a probation period?

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A probation period is sometimes use for new employees. It is a duration at the beginning of employment during which either the employee or employer can terminate the employment at a reduced notice period.

What is the purpose of probation period?

A probation period's purpose is to determine if the new employee is a good fit for the organisation and have the requires skillset to perform their duties.

How long is probation period?

A probation period is typically between 1 and 3 months depending on the nature of the role. A probation period might be longer for roles which take longer to assess. A probation period might also be extended at the discretion of the employer if it is specified in the probationary period clause of the employment contract.

What happens at the end of a probation period?

At the end of the probation period, the employer or line manager of the employee will inform them if they have passed the probationary period or not.

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