How to grow your Business

Business Organisation: How To Improve Speed And Efficiency

Valentina GolubovicValentina Golubovic
Last updated on:
July 14, 2023
Published on:
July 14, 2023

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83% of small business owners say maintaining an organised office is a key part of their success, while 63% also believe organisation helps boost revenue. Indeed, organising key processes can make your business more resilient, productive, and flexible in the face of obstacles and change. Effective organisation can better pave the way for business growth and create the best experience possible for both your employees, as well as your customers.

Embrace automation

Roughly two-thirds of businesses report experiencing improved customer satisfaction, quality control, and employee experience upon adopting automation, McKinsey & Company reveals. Virtually every area of business – from payroll and accounting to marketing and human resources – can be improved via automation. By automating manual repetitive and routine tasks, in particular, employees are freed up to spend their time and energy on more important priorities. Don’t make the mistake of automating too many things at once, however. This means you don’t have the time and space needed to take note of limitations – so, if a setback does occur, it may take days to resolve. Rather, prioritise areas that can benefit from automation, and work through your list one at a time. Only progress to the next function once you’ve measured and validated the results of the previous function.

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Switch to agile project management  

As many as 42% of businesses fail to comprehend the importance of project management, while budget overrun is the prime reason for project failure for 55% of project managers. The solution? Agile project management – a strategic, incremental approach to project management that involves breaking a project down into various tasks. In turn, this bitesize approach allows teams to better optimize their workflows, improve speed, and react smoothly to changing project requirements. Instead of a single project manager overseeing things, agile project management splits the project manager’s responsibilities between the team members, which therefore facilitates improved communication and collaboration. Results are also analysed periodically – (rather than just at project completion) and improvements are made as needed on an ongoing basis.

Embrace different work styles

Embracing different working styles – such as, remote work and flexible hours – can improve productivity, slash expenses, and make a variety of talent easily accessible. Fortunately, making remote work commonplace in your organisation doesn’t have to be difficult. Start by adjusting your company policies to incorporate remote work best practices. In particular, you can start cutting down on face-to-face meetings, and replace them with regular video chats. Similarly, using cloud-based apps can let your team complete work from any location, while communication apps like Slack make it easy for employees to stay in touch. But, if remote work and flexible hours are simply not something you’re able to do at present, focus on instead making it a long-term goal – this can help future-proof your business and be better prepared for potential changes.

Effective organisation is essential for business success. By embracing automation, switching to agile project management, and embracing different work styles, you can successfully improve productivity and efficiency, and boost revenue.

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